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Fairlickson Akow
Fairlickson Akow

Dream Yoga And The Practice Of Natural Light.pdf

Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light: A Book Review

Dream yoga is a term that refers to a set of practices that aim to enhance the awareness and clarity of one's mind during the states of sleep and dream. It is a part of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of Dzogchen, which means "the great perfection" or "the natural state". Dream yoga is considered to be a powerful method for realizing the true nature of one's mind and reality, as well as for developing compassion and wisdom.

One of the most renowned masters of dream yoga is Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, who was born in Tibet in 1938 and became a prominent teacher of Dzogchen in the West. He wrote several books on dream yoga, including Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light, which was first published in 2002. In this book, he gives instructions for developing clarity within the sleep and dream states, based on his own personal experience and the teachings of his lineage. He also shares some stories and anecdotes from his life and his travels, as well as an interview with him conducted by Michael Katz, a psychologist and a student of dream yoga.


The book is divided into nine chapters, each covering a different aspect of dream yoga. The first chapter introduces the nature and classes of dreams, according to the Tibetan Buddhist view. The second chapter explains the practice of the night, which involves preparing oneself for sleep and dream with certain rituals and prayers. The third chapter describes the methods of practicing the essence of dreams, which are techniques for recognizing and transforming one's dreams. The fourth chapter deals with the illusory body, which is a way of creating a subtle body that can travel in the dream world. The fifth chapter presents the essential practice of clear light, which is the ultimate goal of dream yoga, where one experiences the pure awareness that pervades all phenomena. The sixth chapter discusses dreams of clarity, which are special dreams that reveal one's true condition or give guidance for one's spiritual path. The seventh chapter teaches the methods of transference, which are ways of transferring one's consciousness from the physical body to another dimension at the time of death or in special circumstances. The eighth chapter narrates the pilgrimage to Maratika, which is a sacred cave in Nepal where Chögyal Namkhai Norbu performed a long retreat and had some extraordinary experiences related to dream yoga. The ninth chapter is an interview with Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, where he answers some questions about dream yoga and its benefits.

The book is written in a clear and accessible language, with many examples and illustrations to help the reader understand the concepts and practices. It also includes some appendices that provide additional information on topics such as Dzogchen, Tibetan astrology, mantras, visualization, and meditation. The book is suitable for anyone who is interested in exploring the potential of their mind during sleep and dream, as well as for those who want to learn more about Dzogchen and Tibetan Buddhism.

Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to discover the hidden dimensions of their consciousness and reality. It offers a practical and profound guide for achieving lucidity and liberation in one's dreams, as well as for awakening to one's true nature in everyday life.

The book can be downloaded as a PDF file from [], or purchased as a paperback or an ebook from [Google Books] or [Google Books].


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